Lawyer at “Pinheiro Torres, Cabral, Sousa e Silva e Associados – Sociedade de Advogados, R.L.”.
Assistant Professor at the Portuguese Catholic University (Porto).
Guest lecturer at Porto Business School (since 2018).
Arbitrator in Intellectual Property matters, namely in arbitrations concerning pharmaceutical patents and domain names.
Author of legal opinions for judicial and extrajudicial purposes, including those relating to legislative projects.
Expert appointed by the European Economic and Social Committee on Digital Law (2020-2021).
Member of the Board of the Portuguese Association of Intellectual Law (since 2017).
Guest Researcher at INOV – Institute of Systems and Computer Engineering Innovation (since 2021).
Guest lecturer at ISCAP (2013/2014).
Collaborated with the German law firm Bardehle Pagenberg (2013).
Nuno A. Sousa e Silva
A member of the Portuguese Bar Association as a lawyer since 2014, Nuno A. Sousa e Silva holds a PhD (2019), Masters (2013) and a degree (2011) from the Porto Law School of the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of Portugal. He also has an LLM in Intellectual Property and Competition Law from the Munich Intellectual Property Law Center (2013).
Practice areas
A member of the Portuguese Bar Association as a lawyer since 2014, Nuno A. Sousa e Silva holds a PhD (2019), Masters (2013) and a degree (2011) from the Porto Law School of the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of Portugal. He also has an LLM in Intellectual Property and Competition Law from the Munich Intellectual Property Law Center (2013).
Professional activity
French, English, German and Spanish
Contratos (sobre bens) informáticos: notas sobre a formação, conteúdo, incumprimento e open source in Revista de Direito Civil n.º4 (2024) pp. 695-729
O Regulamento da Inteligência Artificial: análise introdutória in Revista da Ordem dos Advogados [2024] pp. 1-48
The Ownership Problems of Overlaps in European Intellectual Property, Nomos, 2014 Download
Direito de Autor nos Tribunais (Copyright in Courts), Universidade Católica Editora, 2019 (co-authored) Download
Concorrência Desleal e Propriedade Intelectual: Os Atos de Aproveitamento (Unfair Competition and Intellectual Property: Misappropriation), Almedina, 2020
Inteligência Artificial, Robots e Responsabilidade Civil: o que é que é diferente? (Artificial Intelligence, Robots and Civil Liability: what is different?), 2019
Direito e Robótica: uma primeira aproximação (Law and Robots: a first approach), 2017 Download
A nova disciplina dos segredos de negócio: análise e sugestões (The new discipline of trade secrets: analysis and suggestions), 2019
Direitos Conexos (ao direito de autor) (Neighbouring Rights), 2016 Download